Wednesday 27 April 2016


So how do you like your pasta? Noodle-thin, flat, twisted, bow-shaped or ear-shaped? Honestly though, it doesn't matter what shape of pasta you like, because what matters equally well in pasta recipes is also the sauce that is used for the base.

Italian Pasta Recipes are defined in equal parts by the shape of the pasta being used, as well as the sauce that is used to toss the pasta in. Look at any classic Pasta Recipe, and the very name of the dish will tell you how important both of these components are to Italian cooking.
While there are several types of sauces used in Italian Food to cook pasta, a very popular sauce is the tomato based marinara sauce. Defined by the richness of taste of tangy sweet tomatoes, this simple sauce is flavoured with garlic, onions, and herbs to infuse some distinct flavours. In Italy though, every family make their own individual style of this sauce, adding flavouring and seasoning as they like.

The marinara sauce, humble though it is in its origins, has travelled far and wide in the world to become a favourite pasta dressing sauce for millions who love eating Italian food. Whether used hot to drench a bowl full of fresh boiled pasta, or used to make a cold salad, the marinara sauce tastes well in both variants.

If you are always wondering how to achieve that perfect tasting marinara sauce for your pasta recipe made at home, why go through all the trouble when all you need to do is walk into the nearest grocery and walk out with a bottle of Veeba's Marinarasauce for  pizza and pasta? Made from the choicest juiciest tomatoes and flavoured with authentic herbs, this international offering from Veeba is your best friend to cook pasta recipes for lunch or dinner.

So next time you want to cook up standard Italian fast food in your kitchen really fast, bring out the bottle of Veeba's Pasta Sauce for pasta and pizza and make your job far easier, while ensuring that great taste is bolstered by the goodness of health in this low fat sauce only from Veeba.

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